Saturday, June 16, 2007

# 3 ~ Banishing Bullying ~ Bravos Begun

Hello Beautiful Lights

If this is your first visit to this blog, I suggest you bookmark this page first, because you will want return often, then scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on the first entry in the archive, and begin there. Everything I have slast. Enjoy and after you have read, please let me and others know what you think or if you have any questions in our comments box. Thanks for visiting. Come back often.

Now To Begin


Thursday 14 June 2007 was a day these high school students will not forget!

Most of the 93 Grade 9 and 10 students had been receiving 'BULLYING' presentations since Grade 1 and didn't really want to be at Love-N-Lightning's Level-1 Boot Camp on Bullying and Positive Self-Esteem Development ... Argh! ... especially when 45 other students went off to Canada's Wonderland for some fun in the sun.

So, imagine if you can, the attitude present in the gym on that hot summer day.

The S.S.M.'s past experiences running day care centres, playground and teen programs and working with incarcerated youth prepared her to handle restless teens who really wanted to be somewhere else.

Little did they know, the Spiritual Sergeant Major had many interesting tools in her L-N-L Survival Kit for personally experience.

They found out ...

  • They were Holograms of God
  • They were spiritual beings having a human experience
  • What HuMans were and why they get hOMesick
  • The truth about I AM
  • Thymokeniesology - how to do it and trust it
  • All energy is neutral
  • 3 Questions to ask before speaking
  • The Magical Question that gives the PERFECT ANSWER - Every Time
  • How to 'Hold the Perfection'
  • Their Magic Mirror
  • How to share Love's Magical Connection
  • How their thoughts, words, music, etc affect water and therefore their bodies
  • The power of the color purple
  • An exercise to learn how to trust The Source
  • How to be the 100th Monkey
  • Every act was a cry for love and the more dastardly the deed the greater the need for love

Sounds like a lot, doesn't it?

It was not all sitting and listening. In the Trusting The Source exercise they were partnered with someone they hardly knew and found out amazing information about each other and how they could use it in the future to know ...

  • if someone was lying to them
  • if someone intended them harm
  • if someone they loved was in trouble

A lot was revealed with those 3 short questions.

In another exercise they were given their MAGICAL MIRROR. They were asked to think of 3 words to describe

  • someone who pushed their buttons in a negative way
  • someone they
  • their favorite fruit
  • the S.S.M.

Thank God they were not required to share the words with anyone ... smile ... it could have been painful ... bigger smile

What blew them away was finding out that the 12 words they used to described others were PERFECTLY describing them! There sure was a buzz after that exercise I'll tell you!

During lunch many of them had their aura measured and found how far it extended out in front of, behind, above and below them when they were ...

  • in a normal frame of mind
  • when thinking a negative thought
  • when thinking a joyful thought

They were AMAZED to find out how BIG they were and what negativity did to their energy field.

"All the flu bugs, colds, viruses, negative thoughts, etc. are now right under your nose ... do you think you have a better chance of catching them now?" they were asked when their aura shrank to just iches from their body when thinking a negative thought.

The day was ended with students and teachers each taking turns to stand in the centre of a large circle while everyone sang the Sufi chant to them ....


  • the boys in the centre
  • the girls in the centre
  • the teachers in the centre
  • their parents (mentally imagining them in the centre
  • the bullies (mentally imagining them in the centre)
  • someone they have hurt (mentally imagining them in the centre)
  • someone who has hurt them (mentally imagining them in the centre)
  • finally their own child self (mentally imagining them in the centre)

They were a little shy at first but eventually warmed up to it.

The icing on the cake for the day was giving out Dog Tags with

  • Be The 100th Monkey words and picture on the front and
  • What Would LOVE Do? on the back
Unfortunately there were only 10 to hand out so the energy rods were used to determine who was to receive them. Their reaction was moving. Some teachers were surprised to be chosen.

Be The 100th Monkey Dog Tags are available for YOU if you wish.

All in all it was a great day.

BRAVOS MUST be extended to Mr. Larocque the teacher, who had the
courage to choose a non - traditional presenter for the school's bullying
presentation. To quote one teacher, "It was 'FUNKY' and lots of fun."

BRAVOS MUST also be extended to Ms. Cecile Coutu and Mrs. Lyse Larocque for their valuable assistance as well as the teachers who chose to participate.

BIGGEST BRAVO must go to the students who participated and are now instrumental in shifting the consciousness for everyone in their school, their city, their country and the planet.

The principal must have been happy because the S.S.M. was asked to "Initiate" the Grade 8 graduates who will become part of the high school setting next semester.

Because you are at this VIRTUAL BOOT CAMP to receive your own L-N-L SURVIVAL KIT what can you take away with you today?

Look into your MAGICAL MIRROR.

THINK OF 3 WORDS to describe ...

  • someone who pushes your buttons in a negative way
  • someone you love
  • your favorite fruit
  • me, the S.S.M.
I can hear you, "But I don't know YOU!" No you don't but LOVE does...TRUST the first words that come to you ... LOVE will never lead you astray. Those 12 words described you!

You can now see your good, bad and ugly sides. Change is not possible until one becomes aware of the need for change. Once you do this exercise you will listen in a different way. You will know when a friend or family member is bad mouthing someone, they are revealing what he or she (the bad mouther) is like; what he or she is working on in his or her own life.

It would be interesting to hear what your reactions are. Want to debate them?

It is a humbling experience to see those parts of yourself that aren't 'pretty'. If you want to be the best you can be, you need to know what you are NOW.

My job is to help you remember the truth ... regardless of what your human self is, the real you is DIVINE... a 100 watt bulb. Your spacesuit may be shining at 20 or 30 or 80 watts. My job is to take the dust off the light bulb and have you realize how PERFECT you ALREADY ARE!

If you could accept that for one moment your whole life would be different. I'm here to show you how.

USE THE SUFI CHANT with anyone and everyone. The first time I shared it with my 1st children's workshop, I had the parents present. One mother needed 3 hrs of attention after the workshop was over because she had not felt so loved in so long ... many memories surfaced for her that needed embracing.

Children LOVE to have it sung or spoken to them as they go to sleep.

So, what SURVIVAL TOOLS do you have in your L-N-L SURVIVAL KIT to date?

  1. Love's Magical Connection ~ The pink ribbon
  2. Your Magical Mirror ~ Describing someone else describes you
  3. The Sufi Chant ~ All I ask of you is forever to remember me as loving you
All so simple yet instrumental in creating profound changes in everyone's life - starting with yours. What do all of these SURVIVAL TOOLS have to do with Bullying? It is impossible to hate or hurt anyone else in any way when you love yourself. All change begins with self.

"Be the change you want to see in the world." Gandhi.
It has already begun at Bishop Carter Catholic Secondary School.

Share these tools with others. Better yet, invite them on my behalf, to join us.

Your next SURVIVAL TOOL will be remembering YOU ARE A HOLOGRAM OF GOD and how every single thing you think, say, or do, affects the everyone!

Does your school, club, organization want to be 'lovingly' struck by LOVE-N-LIGHTNING?
Invite Caroline to conduct a LOVE-N-LIGHTNING BOOT CAMP for your school. It's not just for youth. Did you know that bullying is a big problem in the adult work envirionmet?

Do you want to order a Be The 100th Monkey / What Would LOVE Do? dog tag?

We can offer you a bulk rate for your school, club, church as well.

I and your Creator sing to you now in cyberspace and when I am able to add audio to this blog you will hear it...


I do, you know.

I would love to read your comments, critiques or suggestions about anything that I have shared.

Big VSs to you my F.I.N.s
Virtual Hugs … Friends In Cyberspace ™

Love ‘n Lightning

Caroline, Your Personal Spiritual Sergeant Major

Caroline McIntosh C.S.E. ™
Chief Spiritual Electrician of Love's Open House
Reaching into people’s hearts to turn their light on
And to ‘Jumpstart’ Their Dreams™

Inspiring Author, Electrifying Speaker, Intuitive Counselor, Powerful Healer, Wise Teacher.

Be part of a new movement about to set the world on fire
with the sacred spiritual flame burning inside you now by asking
The Magical Question that gives you the Perfect Answer - EVERY TIME!


Love's Open House
Home of the Love-N-Lightning Boot Camp
94 Alma Hanmer, ON Canada P3P 142

Let's Talk



Go and play ... JOY is the first clue you are doing exactly what you were destined to do.

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