Thursday, June 28, 2007

# 5 ~ Bullying Youth Become Bullying Adults

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I just read my weekly ezine from someone I admire greatly, Mr. Harvey Mackay.

Harvey Mackay is the author of the New York Times #1 bestsellers
Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive and Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt. Both books are among the top 15 inspirational business books of all time, according to the New York Times. Harvey's books have sold 10 million copies worldwide, been translated into 37 languages and sold in 80 countries.

With over 45 years of experience, serving more than 1,000 customers, from Fortune 500 corporations to small emerging companies, Harvey Mackay knows what he is talking about.

Isn't it interesting that he should be speaking about the same topic that The Love-N-Lightning Boot Camp addresses. I wanted to share it with you so you could see where our youth are headed IF we don't do something to help them because bullying youth become bullying and sometimes murderous adults.

Harvey Mackay's Column This Week

What is anger/violence in the workplace? Do you feel safe at work?
According to the National Crime Victimization Survey and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 2 million assaults and threats of violence against Americans at work occur annually.

This includes:
325,000 aggravated assault ... 36,500 rapes and sexual assault ... 70,100 robberies, and ... 900 homicides.

In addition to assaults and threats, a substantial number of employees report being bullied or harassed on the job.

Workplace violence costs employers billions of dollars in ...
lost work time and wage ... reduced productivity ... medical cost ... workers' compensation payments, and ... egal and security expenses.

Providing training to recognize and address workplace violence should be a regular part of an employer's annual training regimen. An inappropriate language tiff between employees can escalate to something much more serious if left unattended.

Such behavior was reported at my company, MackayMitchell Envelope Company, so several months ago management took time to review our offensive behavior policy with all of our employees. We hired TEAM (Total Employee Assistance Management Inc.) and held several mandatory training classes.

I learned a lot about this issue, and while writing about such a topic is a real departure for me, I think this is especially important.

First off, what constitutes workplace violence?

It includes ... name calling ... yelling ... angry remarks ... obscene phone calls ... vague or specific threats ... thowing things ... destroying property ... shoving ... statking ... hitting ... stabbing ... rape ... suicide and even ... murder.

Violence in the workplace can come from ... patients ... student ... customer ... clients ... supervisor ... managers and ... current or former employees. I
n addition, violence can come from a spouse ... child ... neighbor or ... anyone who has a personal relationship with an employee.

A number of risk factors increase the likelihood of workplace violence including:

  • a mishandled termination or disciplinary action
  • a grudge over a real or imaginary grievance
  • drug or alcohol abuse
  • bringing weapons to work or fascination with weapons
  • increasing belligerence
  • vague or specific threats
  • interest in recently publicized violent events
  • frequent outbursts of anger
  • and homicidal or suicidal comments or threats.

An employer has an obligation to provide a safe work environment.

What can they do to decrease the likelihood of workplace violence occurring?

  • Adopt a workplace violence policy and prevention program
  • Communicate the policy to all employees and provide training sessions for all new and current employees and members of management
  • Adopt consistent and fair disciplinary procedures
  • Foster an environment of trust and respect among co-workers and between employees and management
  • When necessary, seek assistance from outside resources such as law enforcement, employee assistance and mental health professionals.
  • Employees are often the first to notice potential problems with co-workers, and should be encouraged to be active participants in keeping the workplace safe.
What can employees do to help prevent workplace violence?

  • Accept and adhere to your company's workplace violence preventative policies and practices
  • Become aware of warning signs.
  • Report any threatening and violent behaviors to management or human resources.

The instructor of our violence in the workplace class shared this story with me about the "worry tree"

"I was in a session with a police officer and asked him how he dealt with all of the tragedy, death and inhuman behavior exhibited between people on the assorted police calls he goes out on.

"He told me that every night when he went home he touched a tree while walking into his house. By touching the tree, he told himself he was dumping all of the tragedy, stress, death, and trauma on the tree. He then went into his home, took off his vest, locked his gun away, and made the conscious choice to stop being a police officer, and to start being a husband and dad.

"The next morning he touched the tree on the way to his car to go to work and assumed all his worries. The amazing thing is there aren't nearly as many as he hung up the night before. He told me by touching the tree, it allowed him to compartmentalize his life and prevent him from burning out."

The officer found a positive way to keep his anger and frustrations from turning into violent behavior. Help yourself and those around you to do the same.

Mackay's Moral: Control yourself: Remember anger is just one letter short of danger.

Miss a column?
The last three weeks of Harvey's columns are always archived online.
More information and learning tools can be found online at

Reprinted with permission from nationally syndicated columnist Harvey Mackay, author of the New York Times #1 bestseller "Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive."


Wouldn't it be wonderful if all businesses were as conscientious as Mr. Mackay is and if they were also introduced to The Love-N-Lightning Boot Camp Survival Tools and Tactics?

The Police Chief 's office in our city conducted a telephone survey of over 1000 people to determine what topics citizens were interested in having presentations on. One surprising statistic that stunned the survey conductor is that more than 80% of the respondents did NOT believe that bullying was a problem in our schools!

Our city of 180,000 may not have the violence experienced at Virginia Tech or Columbine but it is growing at an alarming rate. Police presentations on bullying are usually attended by a few youth and parents who are pro-active and educating themselves or by parents who have youth in desperate need and have not been able to get the help needed.


A few years ago, I did a presentation on SUICIDE at a local high school. I noticed two teens were very troubled and after the presentation their teacher asked if I could spend some private time with them . I agreed on the condition that the school counsellor sat in with us.

One was considering suicide because he was being bullied all the time and the other's mother had committed suicide.

I spent 20 minutes maximum with each student. As I led them through a technique that required very little speaking on his or her part, the transformation that took place was quite apparent. Tears of joy and relief streamed down their faces and the look of peace and healing experienced made them glow!

I could sense the counsellor feeling confused, wondering what I was doing with them. When I offered to teach her how to do the same she quickly refused saying she didn't have the time, even though I offered to share it with her at her convenience. I could sense her fear, her panic.
I often hear people's thoughts and hers were coming through loud and clear, "What is she doing? What happened here? Don't tell me I studied years to become a counsellor and she tells me I can learn this in a few hours! NO!"

Her fear prevented her from becoming the gifted, amazing, trusted, counsellor she had the potential to be, one needed by so many today.

It is time! Our youth need us. Do not let your fears prevent you from being your full self; from learning some tools that can not only help you but empower you to serve others.

As LANCE SECRETAN ( AWESOME SITE) once said at one of his presentations

  • "4000 years ago The Warrior - Arian Leaders said, "I am your leader. Follow me. I know the way." They led us into war.
  • "2000 years ago The Mentor - Piscean Leaders said, "I am your leader. How can I teach you?" They taught us what they wanted us to know.
  • "Today's wise Servant - Aquarian Leaders say, "I am your leader. How can I serve you?" They enable you to become aware of the power you already possess."

YOU have the potential to be one of those leaders ... which one? Choose.



I want to share the many tools I have used over the years so you and I can serve together.

If so, keep coming back for more.

I would love to read your comments, critiques, suggestions or questions about anything that I have shared.

Big VHs to you my F.I.C.
Virtual Hugs … Friends In Cyberspace ™

Love ‘n Lightning

Caroline McIntosh C.S.E. ™
Chief Spiritual Electrician of Love's Open House

Be Spiritually Electrified

Let Caroline reach into your heart to turn your light on
And ‘jumpstart’ your dreams™

Inspirational Author, Electrifying Speaker, Intuitive Healer, Amazing Teacher.

Be part of a new movement

about to set the world on fire
with the sacred spiritual flame
burning inside you now
by askingthe Magical Question
that gives you the Perfect Answer - EVERY TIME!


Love's Open House
Home of the
Love-N-Lightning Boot Camp
94 Alma Hanmer, ON Canada P3P 142

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